Monday, October 27, 2008

and now its Fall....

Wow, has it really been 3 months since I've blogged? Where has the time gone? I was just reading evol's blog and read how long it was since he blogged, checked mine, and realised how long its been.
Most of you know whats been going on in my life in the last few months or thereabouts. Went back home for the first time in nearly 3 years and caught up with my beloved evol and co. Saw my sister get married to a man who I only met for the first time the day before the wedding. Thank goodness he is a sweetheart, otherwise there would have been a few issues.....

Its funny, I thought I would go back and find that so much had changed and I'd missed out on so much, but to tell you the truth, not much had changed.... really. I guess because so much had happened in my life in 3 years, I thought the whole world was moving at that pace. It was actually comforting to know it wasn't and that it was okay for me to still be away and not be missing a huge chunk of life back in Oz.
I had a birthday where I turned the ripe old age of 26. Peter semi surprised me for my birthday. It was supposed to be a complete surprise but I may have thrown a bit of a tantrum that I was going to be on my own and he decided to tell me because there may have been tears. It turned out to be amazing. Had a great Mon Oncle inspired party

where everyone got frocked up

and got to meet my beloved.
And now we're here. Work is back to all consuming/damanding (I'd make the most wonderful cult leader. They can do no wrong in my eyes) and I am generally always thinking about work in one form or another. I've been looking at different types of therapies to force me to switch my mind off lately, namely Tai Chi and Restorative yoga. A friend is actually offering to teach me a private yoga class so I think that might have made my mind up for me.
Good news on the Peter front. He's acutally been looking at visa application forms and recuitment companies that specialise in E3 visas, without any prompting. We had a really honest conversation about it a couple of weeks ago where he told me that he was really scared about applying because if all the big what if's 'What if I apply and don't get it? What if I can't get a job? What if I can only get a crappy job?' and that it seemed so daunting to even start applying, but the more he looks into it, the more he's starting to realise its not as scary as he thought it was going to be. I'm hoping against hope that he'll be here by April next year....
So, everytime I make a big promise to get right back into blogging, I go on another hiatus. Maybe I'm putting too much pressure on myself to blog so frequently, and then end up quitting before I've even begun. A friend commented last night that I should do some writing (which I did actually do for a magazine that will be coming out very soon. I'm super excited about that) and its something I really do have a secret (not anymore!) passion for.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I'd love you to stay around. I can't promise I'll write every day or week, but I'm going to try and be better, I promise!