Okay, now I have that bad tag line out of my system we can move on. With Memorial Day weekend behind us, everyone has started talking about their plans for the Summer. Theres always lots of fun free things to do which is great, and while most people are escaping the city for at least a month, this is not an option for poor little Euro. So I decided to set myself a Summer project. Documenting the cast of characters and their inspired wardrobes that make up this hodge podge of a city I call home. It all came about the other week when the most amazingly dressed man I have ever seen was spotted hanging out side the church across from work.

Its hard to decipher but he was wearing a cropped black velvet suit, a silver sequinned blouse, short white gloves and a hat that looked like it came right out of 1950's Arab Emirates and into my dreams. He also had the smallest, cutest, fiercest (I know thats not a word, but go with me) dog I have ever seen. I so wanted to desperately ask him if I could take his picture but of course fear got the better of me and I wimped out. What it did do though, is inspire me to stop staring and start snapping. I'm going to start a series of photos documenting all of the amazing fashion I see every day here. Sort of a NYC version of Tokyo Fruits I guess. So what if I ask someone if I can take their photo? They should consider it a compliment! Keep your eyes out peeps, for this upcoming blog series.......