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Everyone is talking about this Summer's blockbusters here at the moment. Lots of amazing things are coming out, but one of the films I'm most excited about isn't coming out until October 16th. Where The Wild Things Are is originally a childrens book written by Maurice Sendak in the early 1960's. Its adaptation is being done by Spike Jonze and is so beautiful I cried watching the trailer. (you can cry along with me here) The basic plot is about a young mischievous boy who, after terrorizing a dog with a fork, is sent to his room without dinner. The young boy then dreams up a world of wild animals and monsters whom he can identify with to deal with his anger. Eventually he realises the consequences of his actions and goes back to reality. I feel like this is something I really relate to. As a child who spent a disproportionate amount of time on my own, I always retreated to my fantasy world (although mine existed in the realm of Narnia, true story) as a source of comfort and companionship. Often dealing with my own feelings of unexplainable anger and loneliness in this world, I always knew when it was time to come back.
I'm really looking forward to getting lost in that world again this Summer.

No, for once I'm not talking about a metal band (we all know how much I love a good face melting shred as much as the next person) I'm talking about our poor friend the Goth who despite the weather continues to represent in the most sweaty of attire. The best new blog I have found is here at the Goths in Hot Weather blog. A whole blog dedicated to the vampires of the night....... in full sweltering sun.
Rock on my vinyl clad friends.
I finally moved back to Brooklyn last weekend. Thank goodness. The move was less than great as I couldn't get a truck until the evening, which meant returning it close to midnight. Took the truck back to the rental lot which was deserted except for all the rental trucks which just looked all eery lined up perfectly. Couldn't find the key drop box and spent nearly half an hour wandering around the yard in the dark trying to find it. The only thing I could find was this
just randomly placed on the wall of the u-haul lot with no explanation as to what on earth it could possibly be doing there (not to mention the mini cane behind it. What the fuck, man????)
Not wanting to hang around and find out Jason has switched to a tribal mask for a 'Jason takes Brooklyn' special I hauled ass and took back the keys the next day.