So although the sun is still shining gloriously in Barça during the day, the evenings have been getting somewhat nipply and I have decided that it's time to knit myself another scarf to keep away the chills. Problem being that they aren't really that big on knitting here and that there were some issues finding a crafty store. I ended up in a euro version of price attack that had a few bundles of wool that didn't look like regurgitated 'coogie' wool so I snaffled them up only to realise that there were no knitting needles to be found.
Not to worry, the inner Tonya Todmann in me came to the rescue and I have found that I can make myself a lovely little scarf using 2 pastry brushes that I have sharpened into stakes (also handy for those uncomfortable situations with vampires)
I'm just two pipe cleaners and a bog roll away from pure Tonya genius.
please, no posting about what you do with the pipe cleaners and bog roll, Ok?
You know you love it. Why deny it Evol? You love me because you are repulsed by me....
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