So here goes......
As much as I try and deny it, I consider myself somewhat of a music nerd. A musical snob who looks down her nose at those with Take That albums, or those who admit there undying love for that twat Daniel Powter. Funny thing though is that as I profess the genious of Sir Richard Bishop (of Sun City Girls fame) to anyone who will listen, I also have Carpenters records. I've spent many a drunken night telling people of the gloriousness of OOIOO, whilst playing Rumours by Fleetwood Mac at least once a week. And when I gaffawed at someone who had never heard of Animal Collective, what did I listen to the next morning? Dolly Parton. See the thing is that to the average man, Dolly, FM and the Carpenters may seem more embarassing than owning the Grease 2 soundtrack but in reality I have no problem defending the genious of any of these albums. The way that Mick and Stevie layed their tumultuous relationship bare for us all to wallow in was brilliance, and if you've never heard Dolly wailing on Jolene, well then you've never really known heartbreak.
The thing with these artists was that I knew that they were brilliant pieces of important music history that take real investment for people to appreciate. Think about albums like Pet Sounds which is just as brilliant as Sgt Pepper but not even noticed until 30 years past its release date. Same goes for the Kinks Village Green Preservation Society. My latest love though is something I am so ashamed of, I've never confessed its truth to anyone.... until now.
I can't believe I'm admitting this but..... I like Justin Timberlake. Oh God, there, I said it. I like him okay?!? I think he's cute and has this great self depricating sense of humour. Everytime I hear a song of his played I'm inwardly doing the runningman I'm so excited whilst externally moaning more than when my credit card bill comes. I've even found myself flicking through mainstream radio stations hoping to hear it.
Oh man, I can't believe I finally admitted it. I feel so much better. Maybe this will open up the doors for other musical shames to come forward. Oh God I hope not. I just realised theres a Mel and Kim record in my collection that I refuse to own up to.
......Scary Huh? 'My Love' and 'What Goes Around' are frustratingly clever and catchy.
Unlike many popular artists, JT has real talent and is in control of his music and career. Much respect. Peace out. Oh, I'm so ghetto (NOT). Must dash, I've got a Dannii Minogue CD to listen to!
Steven you are totally down wit tha 411 (what does that even mean?!?) and nice to see you have also fallen for the charms of JT, evol
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