1. I actually had a twin brother who died a few days after birth. His name was Adam and to this day I still wonder what it would be like to have a male version of me running around.
2. In my previous life (i.e pre Melbourne) I was a drug addict. I had moved out of home when I was 16. One of my best friends died from a heroin overdose and decided that I needed to escape if I wanted to live a life without a bogan boyfriend and 12 babies.
3. (This is one that soyoungsopretty already knows but the rest of you don't) My last boyfriend in Melbourne just before I came here was a bisexual drag queen who worked (and still does!) at a cafe on Chapel St. He only told me after we had decided to be exclusive. My first question (as we lay there in bed) was 'So what songs do you perform?' Shirley Bassey was the response. We broke up 2 weeks later.

5. I once signed a group of friends and myself up for a talent show where we 'breaked' to Bart Simpsons 'Do the Bartman' In the middle of the performance I slipped and fell on my arse in front of 500 odd people. I have no shame.
6. As much as I pretend I don't take it seriously, I would love to make music full time. My vocal coach (a bitter old woman who was the poster child for those who can't do...) once told me that my voice would never be good enough to 'make it big' in the industry. 10 years on I'm now determined to prove her wrong.
7. I plan on having a fling with a woman at some point in my life. I figure you've got to try everything once and I'm curious to see what its like on the other side.
8. As you may have guessed, I can be somewhat of a list fascist. Love em. Love having things in order that I can prattle off at will. Its no surprise that I have my all time top 5 favorite films (When I was in China visiting the village, I tried to list my top one hundred favorite films but I had nothing to write on and kept forgetting the order) but I also have a secret list of top 5 films which includes both Waynes World 1 and 2, Spinal Tap, Empire Records and Milo and Otis. God I love a good talking animal movie.
So there you have it some shocking and maybe not so shocking revelations about Euro. Soyoungsopretty, your turn...
Oh honey, you're a princess. I suspected as much.
Dammit! I was hoping you'd 'fess up about the whole one day a week's community work at the Salvos thing!........
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