Brandy (I was 7 and she was an apricot colour, cut me some slack on the name!) lived a great life. Never ate dog food a single day in her life. Got a cooked meal twice a day. Had the best seat in the lounge room. Had an extensive wardrobe (including a doggie drizabone coat. She hated getting wet as her curls would frizz) and most definitely always got what she wanted. She was the head of our household for as long as I can remember.
In the last 3 years of her long life, Brandy's health started to deteriorate. First came the hip dysplasia, then cataracts, then she lost her hearing. After she lost most of her senses, she'd spend weeks getting to know the layout with the house just by repetitive walking, only to have mum decide to rearrange the furniture, then spend the next 2 weeks running into things until she knew the layout again. Bless her.
In the last few months Brandy spent most of her days sleeping, not really doing much, just curled up in her little bed. She was mum's best friend and mum would often carry Brandy (basket and all) around with her while she was in the garden so Brandy would be forced into getting some fresh air and mum would have company. Yesterday morning mum got up and noticed Brandy looking a lot worse than she had the night before. A lot more fraile and wouldn't open her eyes. Mum picked her up to take her outside to go to the bathroom and she couldn't hold up her own weight. She couldn't even support her own little head. She took her back inside and tried to give her some water but Brandy wouldn't swallow.
Mum made the call to the vet.
The vet, who has looked after my little Brandy (or as my dad would call her in his Asian accent 'Blandy') said that it was his day off the next day but he would come in so mum could bring Brandy in to be put down. This morning mum got up to find her still breathing but not moving. She took her to the vet where they washed and blow dried her sweet little curls. Mum then took her home and nursed her for 2 hours before she died in her arms.
Oh Brandy, you will always be with me xxx

Hope you and your mum are are doing okay. x
Thanks boys. You are both such sweethearts xxx
I'm so sorry...I know how it feels to lose a little four-legged loved one. Hope you're ok. xxxx
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