I've been speaking to Matthew of late (the current NY manager) about all things NY and he's been cc-ing me in on all the latest so I'm some what caught up when I finally get there. A few days ago I got an email from him saying that my first big job was to organise and co-host an event 2 weeks after I start..... at the Guggenheim museum!!!!!!

I have hardly any time, I'm not sure of the specifics or even what it is I have to organise and I'm going to be running this show???? I know I know, 'Woe is me' right? I should be counting my blessings not complaining but the Guggenheim is such a beautiful impressive space and this will be my first big event to do some networking. Lets hope that New Yorkers are charmed by a nervous drinker with a painfully loud laugh...

So cool.
Just give Matthew Barney a call, I'm sure he could knock together something cool. He might be able to get this chick Bjork to sing for the event? You heard of her?
Yeah vaguely. Although she's a bit common don't you think? Oh God I can't believe I just said that, even as a joke about my beloved Bjork!
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