Sunday, November 30, 2008

I am SO on trend (with maybe just a little help from Steven)

My Halloween costume was spotted in the months Italian Vogue

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Nothing says Christmas......

..... like Twisted Sister's Broadway spectacular "A Twisted Christmas" I think I'm going to have to take the missus...

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Halloween Numero Uno

Well, its officially over. My first proper (because the lame ass kids who don't dress up, and still try to scam you out of candy back in Oz don't count) Halloween took place over the weekend (although the day itself was on Friday, many parties actually took place on Saturday) and it was as cheesy and more fun than I anticipated. Spent Halloween day waiting for trick or treaters and being prepped on the candy giving/receiving protocol (n.b put the bowl of candy out in the morning. Anyone is allowed to take candy, including adults, at any time of the day. Someone only explained this to me after I went on a 5 minute tirade when a woman came in, took a candy without asking OR saying thanks. Apparently manners are not required for this strangest of holidays...) There were some absolute cuties in store and I'll have to post the photos of them, and when I was on my way home, I stumbled across the Halloween parade in Brooklyn and got to watch that. The party that I was to attend actually took place last night. Great fun. Lots of funny costumes (slutty Colonel Sanders being one of the favorites) and lots of ridiculous ones. I had the fabulous compliment from someone saying my costume looked like a McQueen Couture dress ("Why this old thing!") I have to say I still don't quite understand this tradition. It seems to just be an excuse for girls to dress up like sluts (I've never needed an excuse) for men to dress up like women and for me to eat a disgusting amount of candy all in the name of tradition.

Monday, October 27, 2008

and now its Fall....

Wow, has it really been 3 months since I've blogged? Where has the time gone? I was just reading evol's blog and read how long it was since he blogged, checked mine, and realised how long its been.
Most of you know whats been going on in my life in the last few months or thereabouts. Went back home for the first time in nearly 3 years and caught up with my beloved evol and co. Saw my sister get married to a man who I only met for the first time the day before the wedding. Thank goodness he is a sweetheart, otherwise there would have been a few issues.....

Its funny, I thought I would go back and find that so much had changed and I'd missed out on so much, but to tell you the truth, not much had changed.... really. I guess because so much had happened in my life in 3 years, I thought the whole world was moving at that pace. It was actually comforting to know it wasn't and that it was okay for me to still be away and not be missing a huge chunk of life back in Oz.
I had a birthday where I turned the ripe old age of 26. Peter semi surprised me for my birthday. It was supposed to be a complete surprise but I may have thrown a bit of a tantrum that I was going to be on my own and he decided to tell me because there may have been tears. It turned out to be amazing. Had a great Mon Oncle inspired party

where everyone got frocked up

and got to meet my beloved.
And now we're here. Work is back to all consuming/damanding (I'd make the most wonderful cult leader. They can do no wrong in my eyes) and I am generally always thinking about work in one form or another. I've been looking at different types of therapies to force me to switch my mind off lately, namely Tai Chi and Restorative yoga. A friend is actually offering to teach me a private yoga class so I think that might have made my mind up for me.
Good news on the Peter front. He's acutally been looking at visa application forms and recuitment companies that specialise in E3 visas, without any prompting. We had a really honest conversation about it a couple of weeks ago where he told me that he was really scared about applying because if all the big what if's 'What if I apply and don't get it? What if I can't get a job? What if I can only get a crappy job?' and that it seemed so daunting to even start applying, but the more he looks into it, the more he's starting to realise its not as scary as he thought it was going to be. I'm hoping against hope that he'll be here by April next year....
So, everytime I make a big promise to get right back into blogging, I go on another hiatus. Maybe I'm putting too much pressure on myself to blog so frequently, and then end up quitting before I've even begun. A friend commented last night that I should do some writing (which I did actually do for a magazine that will be coming out very soon. I'm super excited about that) and its something I really do have a secret (not anymore!) passion for.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I'd love you to stay around. I can't promise I'll write every day or week, but I'm going to try and be better, I promise!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

street find

Coming home tonight and found this screen print the street. Nice one....

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Surrounding myself with greatness

A very dear friend of mine, Edwina White who happens to be one of the most talented illustrators I have come across has landed the cover of the New York Times style magazine today. Check out her piece here.....

Thursday, July 17, 2008

ode to a princess

I got some heartbreaking news from home. My mum called me tonight to tell me my dog passed away. My beloved Toy Poodle that has been a more valued family member than yours truly for the last 18 years.
Brandy (I was 7 and she was an apricot colour, cut me some slack on the name!) lived a great life. Never ate dog food a single day in her life. Got a cooked meal twice a day. Had the best seat in the lounge room. Had an extensive wardrobe (including a doggie drizabone coat. She hated getting wet as her curls would frizz) and most definitely always got what she wanted. She was the head of our household for as long as I can remember.
In the last 3 years of her long life, Brandy's health started to deteriorate. First came the hip dysplasia, then cataracts, then she lost her hearing. After she lost most of her senses, she'd spend weeks getting to know the layout with the house just by repetitive walking, only to have mum decide to rearrange the furniture, then spend the next 2 weeks running into things until she knew the layout again. Bless her.
In the last few months Brandy spent most of her days sleeping, not really doing much, just curled up in her little bed. She was mum's best friend and mum would often carry Brandy (basket and all) around with her while she was in the garden so Brandy would be forced into getting some fresh air and mum would have company. Yesterday morning mum got up and noticed Brandy looking a lot worse than she had the night before. A lot more fraile and wouldn't open her eyes. Mum picked her up to take her outside to go to the bathroom and she couldn't hold up her own weight. She couldn't even support her own little head. She took her back inside and tried to give her some water but Brandy wouldn't swallow.
Mum made the call to the vet.
The vet, who has looked after my little Brandy (or as my dad would call her in his Asian accent 'Blandy') said that it was his day off the next day but he would come in so mum could bring Brandy in to be put down. This morning mum got up to find her still breathing but not moving. She took her to the vet where they washed and blow dried her sweet little curls. Mum then took her home and nursed her for 2 hours before she died in her arms.
Oh Brandy, you will always be with me xxx

Thursday, July 10, 2008

I've got one word to say to you bloggers....

like, oh my God, you should totally look at meeeeeee......

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

After reading the latest meme posted by evol and wordage, I decided to put my ipod on shuffle and let the music Gods decide my fate.....

What does next year have in store for me? Rock On (David Essex)
What’s my love life like? Lets Not Wrestle Mt. Heart Attack (Liars)
What do I say when life gets hard? I Can’t Make It on Time (The Ramones)
What do I think of on waking up? Build Me Up Buttercup (The Foundations)
What song will I dance to at my wedding? Hungry Like The Wolf (Duran Duran)
What do I want as a career? Sulk (Radiohead)
My favorite saying? I Just Want To Have Something To Do (The Ramones)
Favorite place? Quiescent Return (Sir Richard Bishop)
What do I think of my parents? Simon Says (Fruitgum Company)
What’s my porn star name? If I was your Girlfriend (Prince)
Where would I go on a first date? L’Anomour (Serge Gainsbourg)
Drug of choice? Bangers and Mash (Radiohead)
Describe myself. Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now (The Smiths)
What is the thing I like doing most? Do you Love Me? (The Contours)
What is my state of mind like at the moment? Fashion (David Bowie)
How will I die? Right Now and Not Later (The Shangri-Las)

I love the fact my drug of choice is Bangers and Mash.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Euro live!

While my dear friend Paul was here, we did many silly things to amuse ourselves in the city. As many of you are aware, I will do almost anything for a laugh (I'm all about making Peter laugh til he pees a little) While shopping on 5th, Paul discovered the hot 'Sales Models' (my flatmate works for them and she told me they actually hire their staff from a modelling agency) working (it) at Abercrombie and Fitch. Here's a snippet of me ogling said men....

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Get a cuppa, cause its a bigg'un

Right, after a few too many 'think you're too good for blogging huh?' comments, its time to put my sarcastic slant on global (& by global, I mean my own universe. Thats what everyone revolves around, right?) issues.

I can't believe its been so long since I've blogged. NY life (or rather, work) has taken O.V.E.R, and I'm feeling a need to vent to y'all. So, as I sit on a bench in front of my store, literally waiting for floor wax to dry, I thought I would catch up.

The last couple of months have been filled with visitors. Tom from London, (As I mentioned in a previous post) Paul from Oz, Tristan from Oz, my beloved from London, Matt from Ireland is coming over in a month, the Designers from Oz are going to be here on Saturday (eeeek!!!) Leanne is coming from London in 2 weeks and I will be making a 4 day trip back to London at the beginning of August. It seems like the lure of a free place to stay in NYC is what gets people to come visit me! Its been hectic but great fun. Having Paul visit was wonderful. I haven't seen him since I left and I've changed a lot (long term boyfriend (that isn't a gay man) livin' in NYC, losing 60 pounds since we last saw each other) and it was great to catch up and have a laugh with one of my original gay posse. 
Tristan was hilarious. He works in one of the Sydney stores and is almost too OTT for NYC, let alone Sydney. One of my favorite moments was Tristan swanning downstairs (Tristan by the way is a 6 foot 5 red head bean pole) off to a club opening in a neon yellow spandex tux he made himself. He looked like a giant highlighter...... and I thought it was fabulous. I have a weakness for waif thin men. I know its not healthy, but I find it so beautiful and Tristan looked stunning. 
The visit from beloved was as expected. Wonderful and heartbreaking. I'm not in the mood to be all sad about it though so I'll just give you the  high highlights. I managed to take off 7 of the 10 days he was here and managed to get away for a few days which we haven't done since December. We did the trek to the Hamptons on what was the first of the hot hot hot Summer weekends. It was also our one year anniversary (awwww) We had such a wonderful time in Montauk (the most Eastern edge of Long Island) although it really did feel like I was n the Upper West Side, just on the beach. Everyone was talking about their yachts and was wearing boat shoes with no socks (urgh) but all in all it was a good time. Oh by the way, I gave him a Tag watch and he cried and said that no one had ever given him something so special.It felt so nice that I could do that for him. That being said, I got a pretty cool gift myself. He gave me a helicopter ride over NYC...... and only told me 10 seconds before we had to get on the helicopter! What I love is that he knew I would love it, and I wanted him with me (which he did) even though he has a big fear of flying. Bless him. He was surprisingly pretty good on the flight. It was a lot smoother than I thought (except for the sharp turn which had us at a right angle with the Hudson River. I may or may not have peed in my pants a little) Most of our time in Montauk was spent walking along the beach or chillin' in the pool or eating yummy seafood. One of the high points would have been gong to the Memory Motel (of Rolling Stones fame) to have a drink, to say we had a drink there and found ourselves in the middle of a biker convention in what is known to be the biggest heroin bar in NYC (It gets raided once a week) The bikers took a shine to us (one even sniffed me hello once Peter was out of sight, proclaiming "I just knew you ere gonna smell good") The wife of the biker president (and our new BFF) decided that we needed to have pictures of us on a bike, so she threw us onto her husband bike where Peter and I struggled to keep our feet on the ground. Looking more like 2 kids on a cheap ride in front of a grocery store, than bikers, it still became one of my favorite photos of the trip.
It was a pretty great visit, and we even got a bonus day when Peter's flight got cancelled and he had to fly out the next day. We spent the extra day pottering round the city, going for a cruise on the Hudson and having a nice dinner in the Meatpacking district. I can't wait to see his cute little face in a month. Its made me more determined than ever to get him here asap.

And now its back to work work work. I'm enjoying it don't get me wrong but it is all consuming and demands a lot of time (I worked 20 hours overtime this week. Blegh) but I guess it comes with the title. There are some perks though. I got a ticket to the Louise Bourgeois opening at the Guggenheim, and I'm currently organising my first trunk show at Bergdorfs (stressful, but also exciting) I know though that I need to step back and know that its okay to not be doing work every single day. Its had when you work for a company that you love, for people who you call you friends. You want to do the best for them, but it ultimately means sacrificing your goals, to achieve theirs. Wow, I didn't expect this blog to turn into a work one (see, it infiltrates everything!)

Anyway bloggers, I've missed you. Its good to be back.

Oh by the way, I saw Richard Gere, Naomi Watts having lunch with Kirsten Dunst AND......... Johnny Depp last week. God, I love NYC.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I can't believe I am so close to being a somebody

So tonight I had the Artists Space benefit dinner. We sponsored the event (partially) so I got a couple freebie tickets. After an embarassingly early start to the evening (we were literally the first ones there. Eww!) I had my moment in the sun as I noticed a photographer snapping away at me (or to be more specific, my outfit and my armload of bangles) I looked past the camera to see it was Bill Cunningham, one of the most influential people on the NY fashion scene. Bill is a sweet 70 year old man who knows whats hot and where to find it, before you do. He also looks like a 70 year old tourist from Florida on a trip to Niagra Falls (inclusive of infamous blue wool vest) He took my name and we had a friendly exchange (me - "You look like you're having fun" Bill - "How could I not, I'm getting paid to come to fancy parties and take photos of interesting people" me - "hahahahaha") and he continued on his way, taking a shot of a man with an outrageous fedora and a Versace cravat. Oh Bill, if only you knew you made my day.....

Sunday, April 27, 2008

taxidermy items I found on ebay

  • A genuine kangeroo scrotum key chain

  • A Rhinoceros head

  • 2 toads stuffed to look like they were playing pool

  • A walking stick made from a bulls penis

  • A cow horn flask
  • A 2 headed squirrel (which I'm thinking of bidding on)
    All of a sudden I'm feeling much less strange than I thought I was...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

the trials and tribulations of Euro.....

Hello Strangers,

So I went into my classic blog hybernation for a month while things here were mondo busy. What was that? You want to know what I was up to? Oh, alright, if you really must.....

  • I had my long awaited return trip to London to see my beloved . I also got to catch up with aguyandhismac and wordage. I love seeing those two. We always seem to have such a laugh. They're so happy and in love it just makes me want to squeeze them. As for seeing Peter, its funny but it wasn't how I thought it was going to be. It was great don't get me wrong, and there were tears for both of us at the airport when he came to pick me up, but, oh I don't know, what was I expecting? A welcome back parade? Living in a seperate country to your beloved is hard. You are tied to someone, yet you're now living sort of a single life. Does that make sense? I guess I didn't understand at first that Peter had to adjust to life without me (and me without him) and that it shook things up coming back. We're much better now though and I'm happy to say he is coming over in a month and a half for 2 weeks and I can't wait. Now if only I could get a set date from aguyandhismac about coming over....
  • Speaking of visitors, I had my friend Tom come over from London a couple weeks ago. He's like the boy version of me (sorry sweetie, but you are) and it was fun showing off all the cool places I've discovered so far. I'm really settling into life here (I had such a Sex and the City moment the other day. I was running across the street, ducking between yellow cab, wearing these new baby heels I bought, with my oversized sunglasses on and my trenchcoat flapping in the breeze. I've never felt so NY) Tom bought me this AMAZING present as a thank you. Its a Star Wars pop up book, which is going to be the next blog post (I promise)
  • I moved to the super cool neighborhood of Williamsburg in Brooklyn (cool neighbours: Sufjan Stevens, Black Dice, Gang Gang Dance) and have enjoyed getting to know the 'burg. My flatmates are pretty awesome as well. I'm teaching them how to be self depricating (finally, some Americans who can take the piss out of themselves) and I am adoring living with a dog again (French Bulldog named Colby if you must know) My flickr is about to be taken over with shots of Colby. Not to mention, I get to spend my rare spare time legitimately going through second hand stores looking for pieces for my room. I scored the most beautiful 1920's desk from France from the thrift store I volunteer at the other day for an absolute steal. Noice one.

Okay, not to end so abruptly, but I gotta get my ass to the gym before work. I will continue this post later my darlings. Kisses.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Out with the old

NY's Governor this week was asked to hand in his resignation as he was found to have had sex with a prostitute. Within days it had happened. Incidentally, he is also the one who put Martha Stewart away.

The press have said that if this happened in any other Western country. He wouldn't have been fired. To be honest, who really cares about his sex life? I don't particularly think it affects his governorship (and lets face it, that role here is purely ceremonial. His in-tray wasn't exactly overflowing with work) What I've learnt already in New York is that there is a place for everyone, no matter what you're into.... I guess except for Eliot Spitzer.

Yesterday they appointed the new Governor. He is the first blind African American Governor they have ever had. He seems honest, charming and dedicated.

He AND his wife just annouced that they've both had exta marital affairs.

Friday, March 14, 2008

a sure sign I'm losing the plot

I came. I saw. I spent. I now feel a little ill. Issey sale was amazing. I got some absolute steals. As well as some delicious clothes, I got these beauties. Pointy canvas flats with furry laces. have I lost my mind? Maybe, readers, maybe....

Sunday, March 09, 2008

oh my god I think I found my new house

This sounds like me right?

house hunting in New York

Although the designers have been kind enough to give me their apartment for a few months, I have been getting quite lonely living in a new city on my own. I also feel like I haven't had a day off the whole time I've been here, so the hunt for an apartment is on. There are many places out there. Ones like this, or this where apparently the kitchen is fully armed or even this.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

woofie, you freak

Cute yes, but my God this dog freaks me out

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Friday, February 29, 2008

Thursday, February 28, 2008

lights, camera...

The past week they have been filming a movie in front of our store called confessions of a shopaholic. Its based on the best seller (in the vein of The Devil Wears Prada) and stars Australia's own Isla Fisher (whom has been spotted on the street looking cold and miserable every day) Well last night they are finally doing the shot where Isla is seen looking into our store. Sounds good in theory but it meant that I will be stayed back until 1am tonight so they could have all their cameras set up instore film.... and they never even did the shot. They set up lights and what not instore and because they were running so over they never did it. This is the second time they've dicked me around (the first time was an early morning shoot that never happened) and I've had just about enough. Friggin' Hollywood big wigs.....

forget your troubles!!!!!

So I had quite a sad moment today when I spoke to Peter. Had a cry to him while I was on my lunch break about how lonely I was feeling. No friends, big city, all that jazz but I just had some great news.... My visa has come through!!!!!!!!!!! So look out Londoners Euro will be making a special guest apperance in two weeks. I'm so relieved it came through. Now I can really get the ball rolling.

highlights so far

1. I had a woman from Georgia on the phone yesterday (although it sounded like Reese Witherspoon, I doubt it was) who was so excited that we took phone orders she said 'Praise the Lord!'

2. Peter and I were on the subway up in Harlem and some young kids got on and I overheard one of them say 'Get the fuck outta 'ere'

3. Um, like basically you can go into any, like store on Broadway downtown, and you'll hear like, being used, like 500 times, in like, one sentence.... whateverrr

There is something sickly enjoyable about all of the American cliches being true.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

my mom is at the colored jewelry center

Hey ya, so I've been in this crazy town for a week now and I'm still on the high of everything being shiny and new and I haven't had to face much of the infamous beuracracy so I haven't felt the need to throttle the city yet. Although I am having the hardest time getting round my nlew Americanisms. I.e spelling everything in a lazy phonetic way. There are also some really funny things that you would never think of that have been a bit of a problem. These crazy yanks seem to only understand 'American' not English so I have to use words like 'Messanger' not courier because they don't know what I mean, as well as 'Pitcher' for 'Jug' and 'With two' instead of 'Double' (as in "Matthew with two TT's")
Whenever I have dealt with Americans in store before its never been a problem and I have always understood what they meant and vice versa, but here it seems to all go out the window and we must all Americanize (see how I used that z there? I feel ill doing that. Its just not right)

I should probably back track a bit and tell you how it all went here with my beloved....
We had a lovely last night in London (coincidentally it was Valentines day. Two birds, one stone...) Went to Coq D'argent, a beautiful modern French place that has a beautiful rooftop garden bar. I love it when we get to get all frocked up (although I should mention that I was the only one to actually frock. Peter looked so cute and uncomfortable in his suit)
There was a slight drama getting here. Namely, Peter missed his flight and had to fork out 400 pounds for a new ticket but the good news was that I changed my flight so we ended up flying together. We got here in one exhausted but excited piece and it didn't feel real til we crossed over the Williamsburg Bridge, in our yellow cab, and saw that breathtaking Manhattan skyline.
we spent the first 2 days before I had to start work doing a few touristy things. Checking out the Empire State, doing a downtown tour to get our bearings, eating, drinking and eating some more and also checking out my possible future home, Brooklyn, which is totally, like, so cool at the moment (I can't quite believe that all these people really talk like this...... whatever.)
I then had to work all week but it wasn't all doom and gloom. We had the Gugg opening which was AMAZING and as NY fashionista fab as you would expect, and being New York, no one just goes home after work, we would always go out for drinks or dinner. Staying local most of the time but we're in a great area so this IS where people come to hang out. As touristy as it was we even went to Tribeca bar and Grill (De Niro's restaurant) which wasn't too bad and the steaks were pretty tasty (keeping in mind I have just come from London where food quality is, shall we say not quite the standard of Oz)
Sunday was Peter's last day and a heartbreaking one for me. We'd really settled inand it felt like this was our new home. I'd forgotten that he had to go back. We got up early and went out for breakfast then went to the Statue of Liberty. When it was time for Peter to go, I just lost it. Sobbed hysterically, clung on like a scared child and basically begged him to stay. I'd never even been in the apartment without him and I was worried how alone I would feel. He said that before we came here he was really worried but saw what a safe building and neighbourhood I'm in (for the moment anyways) and that I've got a good job and that I would be fine. Not to mention that I would be back in London in 4 weeks and that he was going to book a ticket back here 4 weeks after that. I know he's right and that I will be fine without him, its just I don't want to be without him.
Don't fear dear readers, there is good news at the end of all this. Peter (as hoped) fell in love with it here and plans to move here once his lease and contract are up in London in 6 months! We are looking into visas and jobs as we speak! So this long distance won't be forever, although it still is hard, at least there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Keep your fingers crossed for us...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

blink and you'll miss it

Yo from New York!!!!!

So I've finally arrived after much trial and tribulation and am loving it. Best decision of my life moving here. I am having the best time, seeing the sights and being all NY fabulous. Part of my job I found out yesterday is to go to all these fabulous parties I get invited to and network. My first is tomorrow night at the Guggenheim. Its not the event I have to co-host (thats at the end of March) but its an opening of this crazy Asian explosion artist. Lots of free champers and good food apparently, and it wll be a good chance for me to introduce myself. The missus is even tagging along. He's buying some new clothes today to wear to it, bless him.

I know this is painfully short for a first NY blog, and I really do promise to write more after Peter goes (only 4 more sleeps now) but I must get back to work. Hope this finds you all well my lovlies xxx

Monday, February 11, 2008

worlds were colliding... and it was fine

So yesterday was the big day when Peter finally met my Father. My poor beloved was nervous as as hell, and secretly I had a few butterflies myself but it all went absolutely swimmingly and I'm expecting to hear nothing but good reports from my father today.

We all met up for Yum Cha in Chinatown to celebrate New Year and Peter was at his most fraudulent best, being more charming and polite than I've EVER seen him. I spent half the time giggling behind my tea cup. I think Dad thought he was great though because he could see how happy he makes me, and who wouldn't want that for their child?

After lunch, we rolled out of the restaurant to wander through Leicester Square and then continued down to Picadilly Circus, through St James's Park (to enjoy this glorious sunshine. Isn't London fab-u-lous at the mo?) and down passed Westminster and Big Ben.

After the most wonderful day yesterday, I couldn't be more happy...

Friday, February 08, 2008

the final countdown

Hey ya, So one week to go and my Dad is still here. Its been so good seeing him. Its been nearly 2 years since I've been home and I've really enjoyed a bit of family time before I embark on my next big adventure.

Speaking of big adventures, I'm moving into Peter's place tommorrow, after working my last shift at the bar tonight. I have no doubt its going to be a big one. I've invited a few of my posse (Steven and Dan, that includes you!) and its fair to say I'm going to be somewhat under the influence. Oh don't look at me like that, for feck's sake I work in a bar!

On Sunday Dad and Peter are going to meet fot he first time at a New Years celebratory Yum Cha (I hate calling it dim sum) Peter is somewhat nervous (this may possibly be my fault due to winding him up serverly) and asked if he needs to bow when he meets him. I considered telling him my Dad doesn't speak a word of English but then woke from my moment of insanity (who knows what Peter would have said in front of him if he thought he couldn't understand. Knowing my beloved it would have been a reference to the shenanigans from the night before. Dear Lord...)

Completely off topic I've been delving further into my back catalogue of favourite tunes (thank you youtube) and have felt the need for calm of late. I guess all this moving really has left me wanting familiarity. Something soothing, something I know, something like this. How very New York of me....

Friday, January 18, 2008

cannonballing into the deep end of the pool

I've been speaking to Matthew of late (the current NY manager) about all things NY and he's been cc-ing me in on all the latest so I'm some what caught up when I finally get there. A few days ago I got an email from him saying that my first big job was to organise and co-host an event 2 weeks after I start..... at the Guggenheim museum!!!!!!

I have hardly any time, I'm not sure of the specifics or even what it is I have to organise and I'm going to be running this show???? I know I know, 'Woe is me' right? I should be counting my blessings not complaining but the Guggenheim is such a beautiful impressive space and this will be my first big event to do some networking. Lets hope that New Yorkers are charmed by a nervous drinker with a painfully loud laugh...

for those about to rock

So today I'm doing a big clean before I have to start shipping stuff O.S. Thowing out some of the backpacker clothes that are in less than minty fresh condition. We can't be having any of that in New York dahhhling. Problem is I can't seem to leave the comfort of Peter's bedroom. Theres a laptop, all the toast and tea I can ingest and a new you tube playlist I've just compiled. Its full of fun road trip bogan rock including this as the title track. Possibly the best Sabbath song. Ever. (Steven don't press play. It will hurt your ears!)

Sunday, January 13, 2008

so much for being back

Well after much prodding from A Guy and his Mac, I'm back.... again.... to blog. I don't know why I've gotten so lazy with the blogging of late. Wait thats a lie. I know why and its a horrible reason. Its also why I got an angry email from multiple (not you evol) friends back home saying they were feeling neglected. I've turned into a horrible cliche and found myself wrapped up in Peter's life which left little room for much else as I've been pretending to play the role of good wife and have been looking after him a lot lately. Lots of dinners and foot rubs and general pampering. And why am I doing all this you ask? Because I feel guilty about leaving. As much as he says he wouldn't ever want me to pass up NY, I still gets the guilts on a daily basis, only now I've become even more crazy and last night found myself pulling away a bit. I'm assuming the rationale for that is that I'm hoping that it will make the eventual move hurt less but all its done is left Peter hurt and confused.

Peter says theres no point in getting so upset about it now because it won't change anything and all we would end up doing is moping around for the 4 and a half (OMG 4 and a half weeks to go!!!!) weeks so we might as well enjoy our time together here and deal with it when it comes. I don't know if I completely agree. I think some good can come out of preparing yourself a little for whats to come. Okay my crying percentage has increased ten fold because of it but to be truthful, I think I'm going to be better on the day he leaves NY to come back to London than he will be.

What do you think guys? Are we fooling ourselves thinking we can make our trans-atlantic (thank you Steven!) relationship work?