Right, after a few too many 'think you're too good for blogging huh?' comments, its time to put my sarcastic slant on global (& by global, I mean my own universe. Thats what everyone revolves around, right?) issues.
I can't believe its been so long since I've blogged. NY life (or rather, work) has taken O.V.E.R, and I'm feeling a need to vent to y'all. So, as I sit on a bench in front of my store, literally waiting for floor wax to dry, I thought I would catch up.
The last couple of months have been filled with visitors. Tom from London, (As I mentioned in a previous post) Paul from Oz, Tristan from Oz, my beloved from London, Matt from Ireland is coming over in a month, the Designers from Oz are going to be here on Saturday (eeeek!!!) Leanne is coming from London in 2 weeks and I will be making a 4 day trip back to London at the beginning of August. It seems like the lure of a free place to stay in NYC is what gets people to come visit me! Its been hectic but great fun. Having Paul visit was wonderful. I haven't seen him since I left and I've changed a lot (long term boyfriend (that isn't a gay man) livin' in NYC, losing 60 pounds since we last saw each other) and it was great to catch up and have a laugh with one of my original gay posse.
Tristan was hilarious. He works in one of the Sydney stores and is almost too OTT for NYC, let alone Sydney. One of my favorite moments was Tristan swanning downstairs (Tristan by the way is a 6 foot 5 red head bean pole) off to a club opening in a neon yellow spandex tux he made himself. He looked like a giant highlighter...... and I thought it was fabulous. I have a weakness for waif thin men. I know its not healthy, but I find it so beautiful and Tristan looked stunning.
The visit from beloved was as expected. Wonderful and heartbreaking. I'm not in the mood to be all sad about it though so I'll just give you the high highlights. I managed to take off 7 of the 10 days he was here and managed to get away for a few days which we haven't done since December. We did the trek to the Hamptons on what was the first of the hot hot hot Summer weekends. It was also our one year anniversary (awwww) We had such a wonderful time in Montauk (the most Eastern edge of Long Island) although it really did feel like I was n the Upper West Side, just on the beach. Everyone was talking about their yachts and was wearing boat shoes with no socks (urgh) but all in all it was a good time. Oh by the way, I gave him a Tag watch and he cried and said that no one had ever given him something so special.It felt so nice that I could do that for him. That being said, I got a pretty cool gift myself. He gave me a helicopter ride over NYC...... and only told me 10 seconds before we had to get on the helicopter! What I love is that he knew I would love it, and I wanted him with me (which he did) even though he has a big fear of flying. Bless him. He was surprisingly pretty good on the flight. It was a lot smoother than I thought (except for the sharp turn which had us at a right angle with the Hudson River. I may or may not have peed in my pants a little) Most of our time in Montauk was spent walking along the beach or chillin' in the pool or eating yummy seafood. One of the high points would have been gong to the Memory Motel (of Rolling Stones fame) to have a drink, to say we had a drink there and found ourselves in the middle of a biker convention in what is known to be the biggest heroin bar in NYC (It gets raided once a week) The bikers took a shine to us (one even sniffed me hello once Peter was out of sight, proclaiming "I just knew you ere gonna smell good") The wife of the biker president (and our new BFF) decided that we needed to have pictures of us on a bike, so she threw us onto her husband bike where Peter and I struggled to keep our feet on the ground. Looking more like 2 kids on a cheap ride in front of a grocery store, than bikers, it still became one of my favorite photos of the trip.
It was a pretty great visit, and we even got a bonus day when Peter's flight got cancelled and he had to fly out the next day. We spent the extra day pottering round the city, going for a cruise on the Hudson and having a nice dinner in the Meatpacking district. I can't wait to see his cute little face in a month. Its made me more determined than ever to get him here asap.
And now its back to work work work. I'm enjoying it don't get me wrong but it is all consuming and demands a lot of time (I worked 20 hours overtime this week. Blegh) but I guess it comes with the title. There are some perks though. I got a ticket to the Louise Bourgeois opening at the Guggenheim, and I'm currently organising my first trunk show at Bergdorfs (stressful, but also exciting) I know though that I need to step back and know that its okay to not be doing work every single day. Its had when you work for a company that you love, for people who you call you friends. You want to do the best for them, but it ultimately means sacrificing your goals, to achieve theirs. Wow, I didn't expect this blog to turn into a work one (see, it infiltrates everything!)
Anyway bloggers, I've missed you. Its good to be back.
Oh by the way, I saw Richard Gere, Naomi Watts having lunch with Kirsten Dunst AND......... Johnny Depp last week. God, I love NYC.