Monday, December 10, 2007

The long awaited return....

After a much too long hiatus, Eurotrash is back kids! Real life too over for a while there and made it near impossible to find time to blog, but not to worry as I'm back to cajole, comment, and criticise. Woo Hoo!

So some of you know by now what has kept me away but for those who don't, here's the latest....

  • I had a birthday. Twas spent very nicely thank you very much. Peter took me away for 5 days and we spent our time in Germany, Belgium, France and Luxembourg. We took his car and it was such a novelty to drive to another country. The freedom to travel without a 40lb backpack on was quite liberating and I fear Peter has ruined all future backpacking for me! We spent our time in small quiet towns where all there was to do was go for nice walks or stay in cosied up to the fire. You can look at our trip here
  • Speaking of my beloved, Peter asked me to move in with him while we were away.... then he changed his mind... then he changed it back..... then he changed his mind. At the moment I think I'm not going to move in. I was all set for it but Peter keeps changing his mind so I think he may not be ready which is a shame because....
  • I'm moving to New York!!!! Yes its all signed, sealed and I'm just waiting on the delivery. All papers have been signed and I'm just waiting for my visa to come through before I start organising my stuff to be shipped (as well as my ticket. All at the cost of the designers, bless them) Its going to be really hard and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified (the job description they sent me was 3 and a half pages long) but if the designers think I can do the job, well then, I'm not to blame when they come over to find the store boarded up and me standing out the front preaching about Armageddon. Peter and I go through phases where we think this is the best thing in the world and he constantly talks about all the amazing sights we are going to see and then he realises how hard its gonig to be when we're apart. Fingers crossed our 'trans-atlantic' relationship works out.
  • More on New York... I've come to realise that having a friend (and a free place to stay) in New York is all very 'Deirdre Chambers, what a coincidence' and I am expecting a barrage of friends, friends of friends, second cousins and mothers sisters aunts brothers to come and visit me (of which you are all more than welcome of course) but have decided already that I'm going to have a big 4th of July party as a bit of a belated 'Welcome to New York' so everyone start booking your tickets now!!

Oh faithful readers, its good to be back xxx


Anonymous said...

It's good to have you back, you minx.

Evol Kween said...

I love a woman who wets her knickers over taxidermy. When do you head of to NY? Is Peter ging with you?

Anonymous said...

There's an interview with Mum over on Enjoy.