Sunday, April 27, 2008

taxidermy items I found on ebay

  • A genuine kangeroo scrotum key chain

  • A Rhinoceros head

  • 2 toads stuffed to look like they were playing pool

  • A walking stick made from a bulls penis

  • A cow horn flask
  • A 2 headed squirrel (which I'm thinking of bidding on)
    All of a sudden I'm feeling much less strange than I thought I was...


euro trash said...

hahahahahahahaha, Skippy dick!

Evol Kween said...

Genuine kangeroo scrotum key chain!!!!!!!! Genuine kangeroo scrotum key chain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Evol Kween said...

For some reason blogger won't let me leave a comment on your paparazzi post. Anyway, 70 year old men are always following you around arent they? Can't wait to see the pic!