Thursday, February 28, 2008

highlights so far

1. I had a woman from Georgia on the phone yesterday (although it sounded like Reese Witherspoon, I doubt it was) who was so excited that we took phone orders she said 'Praise the Lord!'

2. Peter and I were on the subway up in Harlem and some young kids got on and I overheard one of them say 'Get the fuck outta 'ere'

3. Um, like basically you can go into any, like store on Broadway downtown, and you'll hear like, being used, like 500 times, in like, one sentence.... whateverrr

There is something sickly enjoyable about all of the American cliches being true.


Anonymous said...

I love your life.

Anonymous said...

I want you to watch Cashmere Mafia and tell me what it's like.

Anonymous said...

You need to update your Blogger clock so it tells what time comments were posted in NYC time. Okay, no more comments from me for at least 24 hours.

euro trash said...

hows that darling?