Friday, February 23, 2007

what a way to make a living

So after a month and a half of living the unemployed life, I am once again workin' for the man (or woman in this case) I've picked up a job with a graphic design studio as their studio manager/researcher (i.e I have to do everything the designers don't) It seems like a great company however I fear that I am in a little over my head. Not that I lied during the interview but I may have made myself sound a little more level headed and organised than I really am. I'm hoping that out of desperation for this job a miracle will occur and I will magically be much more organised than I used to be. Who knows, stranger things have happened.
I'm just really relieved to not have a job in retail to tell you the truth. I had an interview as a store manager the other day and I actually started having heart palpitations when she started bulldozing me with questions on my managment style and how I was going to improve sales for the company and eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (I kind of faded out after a while) I realised that I'm not cut out for the commercial money hungry world of retail management. Dinosaur was definitely an exception to the rule. They were never like that so in turn my management style is not made for the main stream market. I'm happy to be someones (4 someones in fact) research monkey until I decide what I'm going to do next. They have even discussed sponsorship already and are keen to do it so it looks like I really can stay here indefinitely.


Evol Kween said...

Now tyou can affoird to fly me over for that Sonich Youth show, right?

Evol Kween said...

When am I going to learn to proof my comments before I hit publish?

euro trash said...

and YOU write press releases all day?!? Although I have to say I like the name 'sonich youth' It has 'tribute band' written all over it.